
SouthCon History

Directions and Hotel Info

Brookridge Morgans

Directions or your GPS will give you personal, updated, door to door directions that might be quicker and easier than these.

From I-20 eastbound (Atlanta, Alabama, Tennessee folks)- exit at Almon Rd. (just past Conyers) exit #88, turn right at the top of the ramp and go through 4 stop signs. At the fourth stop sign is the fire department and the recycling center. This is Flat Shoals Rd.; turn right. Go to the next stop sign which is Hwy. 36 (this is a few miles). At the corner is Henderson's Gas station, Restaurant and grocery store. Turn right and go 1.2 miles and turn left on Glass Spring Rd. We are the third driveway on the left. Park in the left hand field. If you are going directly to your hotel, stay on I-20 til exit #92 Alcovy Rd., where the hotels are; follow a map or see directions under "hotels" below to get to our place from there.

From I-20 westbound (SC folks)- exit 93, turn left. The road has numerous names; go a few miles, and at the second stop light turn left on Hwy 36. There is a BP gas station at the corner. Go a few miles, you will see the Henderson's Restaurant and Grocery Store. Go another 1.2 miles and turn left on Glass Spring Road. (If you are going directly to your hotel, stay on I-20 to the next exit, #92 Alcovy Rd., where the hotels are; to get to our place, see directions below.) We are the third driveway on the left. Park in the left hand field.

From I-75 northbound (FL folks)- You can go I-75 to I-285 to I-20 but it is faster to catch Hwy. 36 just above Macon off of I-75. NOTE: 36 does a little jog (right, then straight, then left) in the town of Jackson; it is marked with signs, so just be aware. Our road is about 27 miles from the intersection of 75/36. At the crossroads a 1/2 mile before our street, on the left is a sign for Little Springs Farm. There is a white church sitting at the edge of a cow pasture just before our street, Glass Spring Rd., where you will turn right (you have gone too far if you see the High Point water tower). We are the third driveway on the left. Park by the barn. If you are going directly to your hotel, you will continue (past our street) on Hwy 36 into Covington; stay on the right side of the square. You will run into Hwy 278. Turn right, then take the first left and you are about 1.5 miles from your hotel. The hotel to house time is about 15 minutes.

Hotel to show directions: come down Alcovy Rd. towards Covington. You will meet Hwy 278. Take a right, then take the first left, which will have signs for Hwy 36. It will route you around the town square and get you on Hwy 36. We are about five miles out of town on Hwy 36, 1.2 miles past Henderson's grocery, on the left, Glass Springs Rd.


RECOMMENDED: Holiday Inn Express- 14450 Paras Dr, Covington, GA 30014 (470) 441-9500

Hampton Inn- 14460 Lochridge Blvd, Covington, GA 30014 (678) 212-2500

There are other, less expensive hotels that a bit of Googling should turn up. Nearby is Covington Highway (HWY 278), the "main strip" in town, which has many fast food places and restaurants.

Map of Covington, GA US

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Directions and hotel info

Brookridge Morgans


Laura Behning
75 Glass Springs Rd.
Covington, GA 30014


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