Our horses are a part of our family. We don't ever want to lose track of the horses we sell. We feel it is our responsibility as breeders to ensure that they have a great quality of life and a loving home... forever.

With this in mind, our horses are always sold with a "right of first refusal" in the sales contract. This means that if the new owner ever needs to sell the horse in the future, we would like the first opportunity to buy it back. We have done this several times over the years.

Much-loved Morgans who used to make their home here but who now have new homes include (click on a name to go to their page):

Bred by Laura Behning

  • APRIL MERIDIAN (Turfwood Royal Flush X Radiance Eliza Babe), 1996 flaxen chestnut mare (deceased)

  • BY STARLIGHT (Turfwood Royal Flush X Sunleaf's Sassafras), 1996 flaxen chestnut gelding (desceased)

  • MOONBOW (Adiel's Casino Gold X TMB Harvest Moon), 2003 cremello mare

  • UNCONVENTIONAL (Gone Gold X Foxton Frosty Dawn), 2006 bay silver stallion (gelded 2015)

  • BRIGHT SIDE (Mocomo Gold N Diamond X Amberfield's Dun Lovin'), 2008 bay mare

  • AMBIENT LIGHT (Gone Gold x Spring Lake Katefly) 2010 palomino gelding

  • FANTASTICAL (RG Black Dandy X Coral Forest), 2015 buckskin mare

  • SUGAR RUSH (Adiel's Snicker Zip x HCTF Lost in a Storm), 2017 bay splash/W20 mare

  • CONJURED (KS Bluestem The Old Guard x Positively Charmed), 2020 palomino splash (carrying silver) mare

  • THUNDEROUS (KS Bluestem The Old Guard x Coral Forest), 2020 chestnut gelding

  • DOUBLY POSITIVE (Positively's Pride x Positively Charmed), 2021 smoky black filly

  • FANTABULOUS (KS Bluestem The Old Guard x Fantastical) 2023 buckskin splash colt

  • CHARMSTONE (Positively's Pride x Positively Charmed), 2023 palomino (carrying silver and W20) colt

    Bred by others

  • RADIANCE ELIZA BABE (Windy Hill Maestro X Seven C Copper Penny), 1984 chestnut mare (deceased)

  • FANCY GADGET (Fostersluckycharlie X Quail Meadow Gypsy), 1990 chestnut mare (deceased)

  • TMB HARVEST MOON (Carrollton X Moon Magic), 1998 palomino mare

  • MEMC POET (MEMC Tequila Cuervo X SFG Passion Flower), 2004 palomino stallion

  • ALPINEMIST CARAMEL RIPPLE (Successful Sorcerer X Bar D Paloma), 2004 bay dun mare

  • AMBERFIELD'S DUN LOVIN' (Stormwashed X Finally's Just A Dandy), 2001 brown dun mare

  • FOXTON FROSTY DAWN (Foxton Society Beau x Foxton Smokey Dawn), 2002 brown silver mare (deceased)

  • EDGEFIELD IVORY ROSE (Edgefield Sun Gold x Avondale Sweet Rosie), 2011 palomino mare

  • HCTF LOST IN A STORM (Stormwashed x Tiger's Silent Saint), 2003 bay dun mare

  • Another horse we formerly owned, Sunleaf's Sassafras, can be seen on By Starlight's page. After leaving us, she lived out her golden years in the pasture at Tom and Charlene Hilgenberg's Great Oaks Morgans in Newnan GA.

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    Learn more about the very rare silver dapple gene at the Silver Dapple Morgans Project.

    To learn more about color in the Morgan breed, visit the Morgan Colors website.

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    Jim and Laura Behning
    75 Glass Spring Rd.
    Covington, GA 30014
    (770) 385-1240
    Email us

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    Website Design by BehningArt
    No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.